Camp Sahara Site’s policy | A magical vacation in the north of the Dead Sea

Site Terms - Camp Sahara

  1. General:
    1. The website is a website that provides, among other things, information about Camp Sahara Ltd., the services provided by the company, prices, promotions, vacation packages, accommodation and more and as detailed on the website (hereinafter: “the website“).
    2. The site is exclusively owned by Camp Sahara Ltd., Comp. No. 516391059 (hereinafter: “the Company”).
    3. The site is maintained and operated by Vizi A.D. 514674167 (hereinafter: the “Site Operator“).
    4. Booking accommodation through the website (hereinafter: “the Services“) is a procedure equivalent to booking a vacation by any other means. It is hereby clarified that in addition it is possible to place an order at the site’s reservation center by calling 072-2000072.
    5. The purchaser and / or interested in purchasing services through the site and / or any person who uses or purchases or orders from the site (hereinafter: “the purchaser” and / or “the user” and / or “the client“) hereby declares and undertakes that he is aware of the site’s rules and agrees to its instructions.
    6. The use of the website (as defined above), including filling out electronic forms on the website and / or placing an order through the website and / or ordering any of the services provided by the website operator constitutes the user’s consent to all its terms without any restriction and / or reservation. And / or to anyone on his behalf any claim and / or lawsuit, directly and / or indirectly, against the site and / or the company and / or any of its operators and / or any of its owners and / or any of its managers and / or anyone on their behalf.
    7. The terms of the regulations apply to the use of the site and the content contained therein through any computer or other communication device (such as a cell phone, tablet, etc.). They also apply to the use of the site, whether via the Internet or through any other network or means of communication.
    8. All images displayed on the site are for illustration purposes only – since the images are displayed on the user’s computer screen and / or printed by the user from the computer display, there may be differences and changes between the appearance of the camp and / or the services and / or accommodation units and / or all others. The site facilities shown in the photos and their appearance in reality.
    9. The provisions of these By-Laws apply equally to members of both sexes and the use of the masculine or feminine language is for convenience only.
    10. In the event that it is determined that a provision in these By-Laws is not enforceable or is invalid for any reason, this will not affect or impair the legality, validity and enforcement of the other provisions of the By-Laws.
    11. The titles of the chapters are provided for convenience and orientation in the regulations only and will not be used for its interpretation.
  2. Terms of use of the site:
    1. Browsing the site and browsing it does not require registration and is open to any surfer.
    2. Ordering services on the site is subject to meeting the following cumulative conditions: (1) the user is eligible to perform binding legal actions; (2) the user has reached at least 18 years of age; (3) the user has an e-mail box on the Internet; (4) The user has a valid Israeli credit card, issued in Israel by one of the following credit card companies: Visa CAL, Visa Alpha, Diners Club, American Express, Isracard and MasterCard; (5) The user has an Israeli identity card. Valid or valid passport.
    3. Some of the services provided on the site are subject to the completion of the registration procedure, in which the user will be required, inter alia, to confirm his consent to the terms of service and the provisions of these regulations, as well as provide identifying details about him subject to law and of his own free will.
    4. It is clarified that there is no legal obligation to provide the information, but without it it will not be possible to purchase on the website.
    5. The site will not make use of the information provided, except in accordance with the site’s privacy policy which is an integral part of this policy.
    6. Leaving details and / or purchases on the site, subject to the surfer’s consent, includes, among other things, the receipt of marketing content, information regarding promotions, updates and discounts offered to registered users.
    7. The site may determine, from time to time, ways of identifying the site, including connecting to the site through Facebook and / or another social network and / or other platform.
    8. The company will not be responsible for the content and essence of the information displayed and published on the site that originates from any third parties, and the user will not have any claim and / or claim and / or demand against the company as a result.
    9. The user hereby declares that he knows that the use of the website involves many risks, both due to the technology involved and due to human factors operating through the Internet.
    10. The Site or its contents may not be used for commercial purposes or any other use, except as set forth in these Terms, without the prior written approval of the Company. It will be clarified for the avoidance of doubt that the user may use this website solely for the purpose of ordering and purchasing the services and / or receiving information from the company.
    11. The provision of the service will be possible subject to the sole discretion of the company and the company will not be liable for any damage of any kind and / or type as a result of delay and / or delay in providing the service and / or non-service and / or as a result of using the site and / or force majeure. / Or from events beyond its control, including war, strike or strike, acts of sabotage, disturbance of public order, act or omission of a third party or restrictions imposed by it, laws, regulations, orders or other governmental provisions, security restrictions, epidemic, closure or Other circumstances beyond its control, and the user will not have any claim and / or demand and / or claim against the company and / or the site and / or anyone on their behalf in connection with the aforesaid.
  3. Use of the site:
    1. No computer application or any other means, including software such as Crawlers Robots and the like, may be run or allowed to be used for the purpose of searching, scanning, copying or automatically retrieving content from the site. This includes not creating and not using such means to create a compilation, collection or repository that will contain content from the site.
    2. Content from the site may not be displayed in any way, including through any software, device, accessory, or communication protocol that changes the design of the site or removes any content from them, in particular advertisements and commercial content.
    3. Do not link to the site any site that contains pornographic content, content that encourages racism or unlawful discrimination, or that is illegal, or that their publication is illegal or that encourages any illegal activity.
    4. Do not link to content from the site, which is not the home page of the sites (“deep link“) and may not display, or publish such content in any other way, unless the deep link is to a web page on the site in full and as is (“AS IS“) so that it can be viewed and used In exactly the same way as using and viewing the site. In this context, it is forbidden to link to content from the site, detached from the web pages on which they appear on the sites (for example: it is forbidden to link directly to an image or graphic file on the site, but to the full page where they appear). In addition, the exact address of the web page on the site must appear in the usual place designated for this in the user interface, for example: in the address bar (“Status Bar“) in the user’s browser. Do not change, distort, or hide this address and do not replace it with any other address;
    5. The site may demand the cancellation of any such deep link at its sole discretion and in this case, there will be no claim, demand or claim against the site in this regard.
    6. The site will not bear any responsibility for any damage caused as a result of any link to content from the site and from any presentation or publication of such content in any other way. The full and exclusive responsibility for any link, presentation, or publication of the contents, is on the link operator only.
    7. The surfer must indemnify the site, its employees, managers, business partners or anyone on its behalf for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or expense caused to them – including attorney’s fees and legal expenses due to violation of these terms. In addition, the user will sue the site, its employees, managers or anyone on its behalf for any claim, claim and / or demand made against them by any third party as a result of content submitted by it for publication on the site and as a result of links made to the site.
  4. Website changes, malfunctions, and service outages:
    1. Without derogating from the above, the site may from time to time change the structure of the site, and / or the appearance and / or design of the site, the scope and availability of the services on the site, will be entitled to charge for such and other content and services as decided. Also, the site will be allowed to change any other aspect involved in the site and everything, without having to notify in advance.
    2. Such changes will be made, inter alia, taking into account the dynamic nature of the Internet and the technological and other changes that take place in it. By their nature, such changes may involve malfunctions and / or initially cause inconvenience, etc. The surfers of the site will not have any claim, claim and / or demand towards the site for making such changes and / or malfunctions that occur while making them.
    3. The site does not guarantee that the site’s services will not be interrupted, provided properly or without interruptions, will take place safely and without errors and will be immune from unauthorized access to the site’s computers or from damage, breakdowns, malfunctions, or failures – all in hardware, software, lines and communication systems. From his suppliers.
  5. Purchase of services on the site: 
    1. The company may prevent any surfer from using the site at its absolute discretion. Without derogating from the above, the Company may block its access to it in any of the following cases:
      1. If, when leaving details and / or purchasing on the website, incorrect and / or false information was intentionally provided;
      2. In the event that the website is used to commit or to attempt to commit an illegal act under the laws of the State of Israel, or an act that is presumed to be illegal as aforesaid, or to enable, facilitate, assist or encourage the commission of such an act;
      3. If in the Company’s opinion the user has violated any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions;
      4. In the event that the Site is used in an attempt to compete with the Site;
      5. If any action is taken by a surfer that will prevent others from browsing and using the site in any way.
      6. If the operator of the site and / or the company knows that the user has committed an act and / or omission that harms and / or may harm the operator of the site and / or the company and / or any third parties, including customers of the site operator.
      7. If the operator of the site and / or the company knows, the user has made illegal use of the site and / or used the site’s services to commit an illegal act and / or to enable, facilitate, assist and / or encourage the commission of such an act.
      8. The credit card held by the user has been blocked or restricted from use in any way.
    2. It is clarified that the use of the site is permitted for private and personal purposes only, who wish to order accommodation and / or order service from the site is for his private use only and not to sell the offered accommodation and / or the services offered further in group sale and / or wholesale and / or mass sale. And / or booking more than 6 (six) rooms for the same accommodation date. Use of the site that is not private will entitle the company and / or the operator of the site to take all the measures available to them in accordance with any law against the group sale operation as aforesaid.
  6. Booking:
    1. You can order accommodation services on the website and pay for it in a convenient, easy and secure way.
    2. Payment for the purchase of a service on the website will be made by credit card belonging to the buyer or by any other means of payment that appears on the payment page.
    3. In addition to the provisions of the Articles of Association, the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Clearing Company or the other means of payment will also apply. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Site reserves the right to set other payment arrangements for registrants, all at its sole discretion.
    4. During the order, the user will be offered the opportunity to join the company’s customer club, subject to his consent only. (For details regarding the customer club, see section 11 of these regulations).
    5. An order will be complete, complete and approved only after the user has received a system message confirming the correctness of the order in all its details (hereinafter: “Reference”). The user must print the reference that will serve as confirmation of the execution of his order, and present it to the receptionist upon arrival at Camp Sahara.
    6. The company will not bear any responsibility of any kind, directly or indirectly, in case the purchase details are not absorbed into the system and / or partially absorbed and / or any technical problem, of any kind, and / or any other problem that prevents the user from purchasing the services Through the site.
    7. It is clarified that the company and / or the operator of the site and / or any of their owners and / or any of their managers and / or any of their employees and / or anyone on their behalf will not be responsible, in any way, for any mistake made by the user in entering the purchase details, including but not limited to Error in choosing the accommodation package, date, number of beds, meals and any other service ordered by the user through the site, and the user hereby declares that he will not have any claim and / or claim and / or demand in this matter towards them.
    8. The provision of credit card details in the ordering system is made for security purposes only, insofar as it does not appear and / or is required otherwise, whether in the order or by the company as otherwise not stated otherwise, payment for the purchase will be made directly to the company.
    9. On the nose referred to in section 8.6 above, “during the normal season“, “peak periods” and “Israel holidays” as defined in section 9.4 below, the company may charge the purchase in advance (the cost of the vacation), in a notice to the user. With regard to the “pre-order” price list as defined in section 9.3, below, the company will charge the customer in advance the total order value, on the day the purchase is made, without any notice to the user.
    10. The prices published on the website are in new shekels only, include VAT and are intended for Israelis only.
    11. Booking a vacation for foreign residents, with foreign citizenship, at a dollar / euro / shekel price, will be according to the latest price list prices for the booking period and without VAT. A buyer who is not an Israeli citizen or resident will be required to present the passport in his possession and the permit to enter the country upon arrival at the camp in order to enjoy the VAT exemption.
    12. An Israeli citizen who makes a tourist reservation will be charged VAT according to the law applicable in Israel. The required tax (VAT) will be paid to the company, on the day of arrival, or in accordance with the company’s requirement.
  7. Payments:
    1. The user will be entitled to pay in installments, in accordance with the company’s payment terms policy, as detailed below:
      1. Purchase in the amount of up to NIS 1,000 – two equal payments without interest.
      2. Purchase in the amount of over 1,000 NIS – from one payment to three equal payments without interest.
    2. Payment in cash will be made subject to any law, including in accordance with the provisions of the Law for Reducing the Use of Cash, 2018.
  8. Order Cancellation Policy by Buyer:
    1. Cancellation / change of order” – cancellation or change of order by the buyer, by contacting the company, subject to the law and the terms of these regulations, after the buyer placed an order through the site’s ordering system or through the company’s reservation center by phone +972-72-2000072, and after the buyer received a reference, According to its terms and conditions in full.
      The notice of cancellation or change of order must state the name of the buyer who booked the vacation and the reference number of the order.
    2. Applying to the company for the purpose of canceling or changing an order as stated above, will be made in any of the following ways:
      1. By phone to the order department at 072-2000072
      2. By e-mail at
      3. On the company’s website – cancellation of the order will be possible from any home page through the category “My order file” at the bottom of the home pages, the user will be required to enter the appropriate username (email address) and password received along with the order confirmation. Cancellation of the order using the “Cancellation” button if the order meets the cancellation conditions of the regulations. Cancellation of the order is conditional on a cancellation policy defined in these regulations. If the order does not meet the cancellation policy, and the cancellation button does not appear in Contact the company by contacting the reservations department by e-mail: or phone: 072-2000072.
    3. If user has Canceled or changed his purchase in accordance with the above, the determining date for cancellation of the purchase and / or changes will be the date of receipt of the email at the company offices or the date of making the phone call and the written telephone representative’s approval. If the day of receipt of the written notice is a day of rest in Israel, the date of the request for cancellation or change on the first working day thereafter will be considered.
  9. Cancellation fees:
    1. Cancellation fees in the regular season, i.e., cancellations during the months of January to July (excluding July) and from September to December (including December), except during peak periods and / or Israeli holidays (as defined below in section 9.4), when the entire order was made through distance selling as defined by law Consumer protection, 1981:
      1. In case of cancellation of an order made within 14 days from the date of confirmation of the order (day of receipt of the reference), provided that there are more than 7 business days left until the date of accommodation, the customer will be charged a cancellation fee of NIS 100 (one hundred shekels) or 5% (five percent) Of the total order value, according to the lower of their sons, as required by the Consumer Protection Law.
      2. To the extent that an application for cancellation of an order is received, “during the regular season“, which is not in accordance with the number of days stipulated in the Consumer Protection Law, the customer will be charged a cancellation fee as follows:
        1. In case of cancellation of an order made less than 7 business days before the date of accommodation (regardless of the period of time that has elapsed since the date of the order), the company (or someone on its behalf) will charge the customer, using the credit card number provided by the customer, a cancellation fee of one night. For each canceled accommodation unit.
        2. In the event of cancellation of a reservation or failure to arrive at Camp Sahara on the date determined by the reservation, the company (or anyone on its behalf) will charge the client (including a travel agent), using the credit card number provided to the company by the client, a cancellation fee of 100% (one hundred percent) of the reservation value. The total.
    2. Cancellation fees during peak periods and Israel holidays, i.e., cancellation during the months of July and August (above and below: “peak periods”), on the eve of holidays, holidays and holidays including Rosh Hashana, Sukkot, Passover, Shavuot, and Independence Day (above and below: “Israeli holidays”) , When the entire order was made through a distance seller as defined in the Consumer Protection Law, 5741-1981:
      1. In case of cancellation of an order made within 14 days from the date of confirmation of the order (day of receipt of the reference), provided that there are more than 7 business days left until the date of accommodation, the customer will be charged a cancellation fee of NIS 100 (one hundred shekels) or 5% (five percent) Of the total order value, according to the lower of their sons, as required by the Consumer Protection Law.
      2. To the extent that an application for cancellation of an order is received, “during peak periods” and / or “during Israel holidays“, which is not in accordance with the number of days stipulated in the Consumer Protection Law, the customer will be charged the following cancellation fee:
        1. In case of cancellation of an order made after 14 days from the date of confirmation of the order (day of receipt of the reference), but less than 14 business days before the date of accommodation, the company (or someone on its behalf) will charge the customer by credit card. Of one night for each canceled accommodation unit.
        2. In the event of cancellation of a reservation or failure to arrive at Camp Sahara on the scheduled date according to the reservation, the company (or anyone on its behalf) will charge the client (including travel agency), using the credit card whose number was given by the client a cancellation fee of 100% (one hundred percent) .
    3. Cancellation fee for customers“Pre order price list”, i.e., ordering at a discounted price at a fixed discount of 10% of the basic price list.
      1. When placing the order, the company (or someone on its behalf) will charge the customer, using the credit card whose number was provided to the company by the customer, the total value of the order. Without the possibility of postponing or canceling the order.
      2. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby clarified that after the order is placed by the customer according to the “Pre-order price list“, no refund will be given due to cancellation or postponement of the order for any reason, regardless of the order or arrival date as stated in the order.
    4. Definition of holidays and peak periods:
      1. Israel Holidays” – according to their date in the Hebrew calendar, including on the eve of a holiday, holiday, Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Pesach, Shavuot and Independence Day.
      2. Peak periods” – summer months (July – August).
      3. Normal season” – everything that is not within peak periods and / or Israeli holidays.
  10. Sales cancellation policy by the company:
    1. The company may not approve the request for the order and / or cancel the order if it was made, for any reason, at its sole discretion and without having to explain its decision, and the user will have no claim and / or claim and / or demand against the company in this regard.
    2. Notice of the cancellation of the order or non-receipt of the order and / or such request will be given to the user and / or the purchaser, and the company will refrain from charging the user’s credit card and refund him any amount paid for the vacation purchased.
  11. Check in & Check out hours to Accommodation units – Glamping / Caravan / Camping / Khan stand (hereinafter: “Accommodation unit“):
    1. Receipt of accommodation unit Sunday to Friday is from 3:00 pm, and receipt of accommodation unit on Saturday and / or holiday will be close to the time of departure of Shabbat or holiday (but not before 6:30 pm).
    2. Evacuation of accommodation unit Sunday to Friday is until 11:00 am, and evacuation of accommodation unit on Saturday and / or holiday until 3:00 pm.
      1. A guest wishing to make a late departure, ie evacuation of a guest unit after 11:00 am (on weekdays) or after 3:00 pm (on Saturdays and holidays) and no later than 4:00 pm (on weekdays) or 8:00 pm (Saturdays and holidays), will be able to Do this on arrival at the camp (“check-in date“) by contacting the reception staff. Approval of such an application is subject to the sole discretion of the company, subject to the occupancy of the site, the approval of the camp management, and will be charged an additional fee of NIS 200 (two hundred shekels) for each accommodation unit. It is hereby clarified that the guest will not have any claim and / or claim and / or demand against the company and / or the camp and / or anyone on their behalf for such a charge, and in his application to the company and any of its employees to request a late departure, the guest agrees to charge his late departure fee.
      2. In the event that the camp management and / or the camp management has not approved a late departure as stated in section 11.2.1 above, and the guest is late in evacuating the accommodation unit after the maximum evacuation time in section 11.2.1 of the same day, the guest will be charged an additional fee for such delay, calculated according to accommodation rate Full of an extra night at camp in accordance with the company price list valid at that time.
  12. Camp Sahara Members Club:
    1. In order to join the company’s customer club, you must fill in the required details in the appropriate form that appears on the website. A buyer who declares his membership in the customer club will be entitled to benefits in accordance with the company’s policy, such as: discounts, e-mail updates on specials and special events, gifts and more, all at the sole discretion of the company management.
    2. A buyer who is a club member of Camp Sahara will receive benefits and discounts, which are granted to club members, when entering the purchase details. The purchaser is required to present an ID card and club code upon arrival at the camp in order to be eligible to receive the discount given to him at the time of booking. If the user is unable to identify himself as a club member upon arrival at the camp, the discount he received when making the reservation will be canceled and he will be charged the full price, according to the price list valid at the time.
    3. It is hereby clarified that there are no double promotions and discounts, and that the valid discounts will be in accordance with the club’s regulations.
    4. It should be emphasized that a customer club member is not entitled to receive additional discounts on the fixed discounts on accommodation prices which are published from time to time by the company on the website, unless otherwise stated.
    5. It is clarified and agreed that in accordance with the provisions of the law, the company will be allowed to send updates by e-mail to any user who joins the company’s customer club through the site, through specific permission to register with the customer club, and the user agrees that there will be no claim and / or claim. .
    6. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the conditions of joining the club, the benefits embodied in the club and additional details can be found at the following link: It will be clarified that these bylaws and club bylaws complement each other, and there is nothing in one to detract from the other.
  13. Intellectual Property:
    1. All copyrights and intellectual property are the sole property of the company, or owned by a third party, who has permitted the company to legally use this content including the business partners of the site.
    2. The trademarks and icons, including the logo, displayed on this site (hereinafter: “the trademarks“) are legally registered as the copyright of the company, and it is prohibited to use the trademarks for any purpose, without the prior written consent of the company.
    3. You may not copy, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit to the public, modify, process, create derivative works, sell or rent any part of the above, either directly or through or with a third party, in any way or by electronic, mechanical means or means. , Optical, photographic or recording means, or by any other means and means, without the prior written consent of the Site or other rights holders, as the case may be, and subject to the terms of the consent (as far as possible). The site contains content that has been entered or submitted by the surfers to the site.
    4. If and to the extent that such consent has been given, any notice or mark regarding intellectual property rights, for example: Copyright marking, © or trademark ®, accompanying the content that will be used, should be removed, deleted.
    5. The user undertakes not to make any distortion or change in the information, or any action that may harm the accuracy and reliability of the information or the honor or name of the company as the copyright holder in it, or of any other party on its behalf.
    6. The trademarks, photographs, content images and advertisements of the site’s business partners are the property of these advertisers only. They may not be used without the prior written consent of the advertiser.
    7. In order to link and / or display the website on other websites on the Internet, so that the website will be a “linked website”, the company must obtain prior written approval.
  14. Privacy Policy:
    1. The site respects the privacy of customers.
    2. In addition to the information that you provide when you register for the site, the site collects certain information about your computer, through which you visit and perform operations on the site. The information is collected automatically (including through the use of “cookies”) and may include IP addresses, browser type, browsing and login times, how you browse and the tool you use for browsing purposes, details about your ISP and the URLs of the websites you came from (the information provided when The registration and the information collected by the site as stated in this paragraph shall be referred to together as “the information collected on the site“). The information collected on the site may be used by the site for the following purposes:
      1. Provide you with services and improve the site and / or the services;
      2. The proper operation of the site;
      3. Analyze and manage the site properly;
      4. Improving the customer service of the site;
      5. To contact or provide you with data regarding the Site or the Service;
      6. In order to provide you with the information you have requested or additional information which the Website believes may be of interest to you, from time to time;
      7. To match advertisements and commercial information according to your personal preferences;
      8. In order to contact you by the site’s representatives regarding the products that the site provides;
      9. In order to conduct customer surveys and / or marketing research which the site conducts from time to time.
    3. The site and / or anyone on its behalf will not disclose and / or sell any information collected on the site to any third party, except for those on their behalf they provide the information collected on the site solely for the purpose of providing service and completing a purchase procedure performed on the site, which are also fully protected. Confidentiality of information collected on the site.
    4. However, the site and / or anyone on its behalf will be entitled to transfer information collected on the site to third parties (except sensitive information such as credit information, ID numbers, etc.) in any of the following cases:
      1. Your prior written consent has been given;
      2. The website and / or anyone on its behalf are required by law to transmit the said information, for example, by virtue of a court order;
      3. In order to protect the legal and proprietary rights of the site and / or anyone on its behalf with regard to this site;
      4. In the event of a legal dispute between you and the site which will require the disclosure of the details;
      5. If you violate the Terms and Conditions of the Site or if you perform through the Site, or in any connection with the Site, any acts that are contrary or presumed to be unlawful, or any attempt to perform such acts;
      6. In the event that the Website deems that the provision of the information collected is necessary in order to prevent serious damage to the user’s body or property or to the body or property of a third party;
      7. Sharing social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and others and other network advertisers such as Google, Tabula and others;
      8. It is also possible that the site transmits to third parties only general statistical information, not personal or private, regarding the use of the site, such as the total number of visitors to this site and each page of the site as well as the domain names of site visitors’ web service providers;
      9. If the site is merged into another body activity or if the site becomes the property of another corporation it will be possible to transfer to the new corporation the existing information on the site, but only in case the corporation undertakes to maintain this privacy policy.
    5. It is important to remember that one hundred percent can not be guaranteed from hostile and determined activity by foreign parties and therefore there is no absolute security in these actions and the site does not guarantee that the services on the site will be completely immune from unauthorized access to information collected therein.
    6. The company will not transfer the user’s personal details to any other party and will not make any use of the user’s means of payment details except to make a payment for a purchase that the user has requested to make.
    7. The user is aware that all the details, data, information and documents provided and / or provided to the company or anyone on its behalf or to any other party making a purchase, including his personal details, may be entered in a database registered in the company’s name, subject to the Privacy Protection Law, 5741- 1981 (hereinafter, “the Database” and the “Protection of Privacy Law”, respectively). The user declares that all the above details were provided by him voluntarily and with full consent, without any legal obligation to do so.
    8. The user is aware that the company and / or anyone on its behalf may contact him in the future by direct mail based on the data specified in such database, including matters not related to these regulations, as well as contact him with marketing and / or advertising offers of all kinds, all subject to the Protection Law Privacy and in accordance with the provisions of the law (hereinafter: “References”). It is clarified that the user is entitled, at his request, to be deleted from any of the company’s databases and / or anyone on its behalf or to order that information relating to him not be provided to a person, type of person or certain persons and all for a limited or fixed period of time. To the company, stating its demand to be deleted from the database. It is also clarified that the user reserves the right, insofar as he is not interested in receiving referrals, to request the removal of his name from the mailing list for sending referrals (inter alia, by marking the appropriate rubric in the emails sent (if sent) or by registered mail or email to the company at :
    9. The user is also aware that information provided by him as stated above can also be entered in an additional database that the company holds (as long as it holds), which is used for its direct mail services and on its behalf – and the data may be used by the company and / or on its behalf, subject to Privacy Protection Law and restrictions.
  15. Jurisdiction:
    1. These laws shall apply only to the laws of the State of Israel, and the rules of choice of international law set forth therein shall not apply.
    2. The exclusive jurisdiction in any matter arising or related to these By-Laws is given solely to the courts of the Jerusalem District.
  16. General:
    1. The number of places in Camp Sahara is limited and the reservation is based on availability only, as of the date of execution.
    2. The company is entitled to cancel or change the terms of receipt of the orders, as well as all prices published on the website at any time, and this will be at its sole discretion.
    3. The company will be entitled, at its sole discretion and without notice, to change from time to time these terms, the terms of use of the site, the structure of the site, its content, appearance, including the scope and availability of the services offered on it, and any other aspect of the site and operation. The said changes will be valid from the date of their publication on the website, and any such change will be valid immediately from the moment of publication onwards and will be binding on the user unless otherwise expressly stated.
    4. Accommodation at Camp Sahara is for adults over the age of 18 only; Accommodation for children and youth under the age of 18 will be possible accompanied by a parent only on all holidays.
    5. Regarding the order – “baby” – those who are up to two years old. “Child” – those who are between 2 – 12 years old. “Adult” – over the age of 12.
    6. Ordering and purchasing hosting services on the site is subject to the purchaser’s confirmation that all service recipients: (1) are healthy and free of corona symptoms in the last 7 days before arriving at the hosting complex; (2) holders of a vaccine certificate and / or a recovery certificate and / or a negative test performed 72 hours before arrival at the accommodation complex; (3) are not required to be in isolation on the date of accommodation; (4) shall behave appropriately and shall not interfere with the other guests during their stay in the accommodation complexes.
    7. Without the approval of the statements detailed above, it will not be possible to purchase services on the site.
    8. The client undertakes on his behalf and on behalf of all other guests with him to maintain the place and not cause any damage either intentionally or negligently to the site, including all the equipment therein, both to the surrounding area and to the customers of the site.
    9. The customer confirms that in the event of any damage, the credit card provided to the company will be charged in full for the cost of the damage.
    10. It is strictly forbidden to install sound and amplification systems of any kind and use them in the camp area and in the accommodation units, including the Bianchini resort village in all its parts. Violators of this provision will have their equipment confiscated through the security staff of the place, and a fine will also be imposed on the client.
    11. It is strictly forbidden to light fires of any kind and / or barbecues in the camp area.
    12. No additional guests may be invited beyond the nomination without the prior written consent of the company’s management or by email. Bringing guests to the camp complex and / or using its services between accommodation and non-accommodation will be charged an additional fee, using the credit card whose number is provided to the company by the user.
    13. Camp Sahara is located in an agricultural area and is naturally exposed to flies, mosquitoes and animals. However, the camp management does its best to prevent as much as possible their presence in the field with the help of green pesticides. Please be prepared accordingly and use protective preparations.
    14. The company and / or the operator of the site and / or their owners and / or their managers and / or employees and / or any of them or on their behalf, will not bear any responsibility for the server through which the site operates, including that the said server is free of viruses and / or other components May damage the user’s personal computer while browsing the site and / or purchasing services through the site and / or any other use of the site, delay and / or delay in receiving the information due to congestion in communication lines, disruption including omission, error, inaccuracy or outdated information due to disruption and / Or a malfunction in the means of communication, hardware, or software in the computer systems of the user, the company or for any other reason; And the user will not have any claim and / or claim and / or demand towards the company and / or the operator of the site and / or any of their owners and / or any of their managers and / or employees and / or anyone on their behalf in connection with such vulnerability.
    15. The company is not responsible for any illegal activity carried out, insofar as it is carried out, by any of the users of the site and / or any other entity over which it has no control.
  17. Contact:
    1. The company adheres to the provisions of the law and respects the right of users of the site and others to privacy and good name. If you believe that content that offends you for any reason has been posted on the Site, please contact us according to the details below and we will try to handle your request as soon as possible. Such inquiries can be forwarded by the following means: Address: Megilot Regional Council M.A. 9066600, North of the Dead Sea


      Tel: +972-72-2000072
Camp Sahara –A wonderful vacation in the Northern Dead Sea!
Our Address - Megilot Regional Council M.A. 9066600, North of the Dead Sea